OGame - review, official website, registration
OGame — is a browser online space strategy. In OGame you will become intergalactic conqueror and manage your own empire, you will develop and strongly contribute to its prosperity, will colonize planets, a pact and declare war.
Started playing OGame online and passed registration, you will have at your disposal an underdeveloped planet on which you begin creating your own powerful empire. Here you will build military power, to develop economic infrastructure and adopt new technologies.
![OGame - your new planet OGame - your new planet]()
In the online game about space OGame, as such, there is no concept of game money; everything is done by the using of resources, that you can get in the mines. All you extracted in OGame resources, you will be able to exchange for other resources to set in the game, course — one to one. That is, a thousand units of metal for example, you can exchange for a thousand units of deuterium or crystal.
The same resources you need and to conduct full-scale hostilities, and for the construction of the actual Starfleet, and for research, and for the construction of buildings. Also, how to obtain resources using mines, you can resort to robbery by force simply take them from other players.
![OGame - starfleet OGame - starfleet]()
In OGame online there are three types of mines for extraction of resources:
— metal mines;
— mine deuterium;
— crystal mine.
To the mines you need electricity, you can get by using solar and fusion power, or by solar satellites. On the construction of mines should take care at the very beginning of the game is to always have at its disposal the necessary resources. To increase the production of resources in OGame online, you will need to constantly improve the level of mines, because it affects the speed of your development.
![OGame - thunderstorm OGame - thunderstorm]()
Except mines and power plants, have the following structure in OGame:
— shipyard — need to build spaceships;
— factory nanites and robots — needed to speed up the construction of buildings;
— research laboratory — as the name implies, it is necessary to conduct research.
Each building in OGame online is one field, in turn, each planet is divided into a number of fields. In other words, if the planet has one hundred fifty fields, then you can build on it only one hundred fifty buildings.
![OGame - blast OGame - blast]()
Special attention in OGame online deserves combat system. Each fight consists of six rounds and each round lasts one (!) Second. All shots and moves are calculated by the server. Lost during combat ships are not reversed and their fragments are flying around the world where there was a battle.
All fragments can be used as secondary resources — there are special ships processors in OGame.
Each spacecraft in OGame online has certain parameters: structure or armor, attack rating or force the damage, power board, the initial velocity, capacity, fuel consumption and rate of fire.
![OGame - fleet ready to attack OGame - fleet ready to attack]()
Online military-economic strategy OGame has a large number of settings and provides a lot of opportunities for your development, and many galaxies, and a huge amount of players will never let you get bored.
Join now and start playing the online game about space OGame, collect resources, build Star fleet, unite and lead alliances bitter war for domination of your empire in the entire universe!
How to start playing OGame online?
OGame is a browser-based online game and does not require downloading the client and the beginning of the game you will have enough to click on the «PLAY!», which is located below. After that, you will be automatically redirected to the official game site and you can immediately start playing, having a simple registration procedure in an online game OGame.
OGame online trailer
OGame online images