Witch Trapped Boy Escape Help The Bird Halloween Scary Connection Sigil Seeker Sprite Sequence Volume 1 Pump Kenny Fairy Explorer Zenifer’s Adventure Magic Potion School For Witch Rescue The Cute Tabby Cat Spriggy’s Heist Blissful Dwarf Man Escape Halloween Smiley Cat Escape Humble Dwarf Man Escape Small Wizard Girl Escape Crystal Destroyer Green Sorceress Escape Skibidi And The Pumpkin Evernight Tale Money Hog Monster Ruin Jovial Dwarf Man Escape Confined Sister Fairies Escape The Witches’ House Optimistic Dwarf Man Escape Lucky Dwarf Man Escape Forest Witch Girl Escape Scary Witch Boy Escape Pleasant Dwarf Man Escape 1 2 3 4 5 6 7