Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (SEGA) Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck ... Mega Man: The Wily Wars (SEGA) Punisher (SEGA) Crystals Pony Tale (SEGA) Golden Axe (SEGA) Double Dragon 2 (SEGA) Head-On Soccer (SEGA) Sunset Riders (SEGA) Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle ... Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja ... Dick Tracy (SEGA) Marble Madness (SEGA) NBA Jam (SEGA) Snake Rattle n Roll (SEGA) Tale Spin (SEGA) Dark Castle (SEGA) Incredible Hulk (SEGA) Sylvester & Tweety (SEGA) King of the Monsters (SEGA) Scooby Doo Mystery (SEGA) High School Soccer: Kunio Kun ... Newman-Haas IndyCar Racing ... Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (SEGA) Road Rash 2 (SEGA) Rock n Roll Racing (SEGA) Fantasia (SEGA) Dragon The Bruce Lee Story (SEGA) Lost Vikings (SEGA) Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and ... Hellfire (SEGA) Akumajou Dracula: Vampire Killer ... Revenge of Shinobi (SEGA) Golden Axe 3 (SEGA) Krustys Super Funhouse (SEGA) Bubsy (SEGA) True Lies (SEGA) Hook (SEGA) Pirates! Gold (SEGA) Midnight Resistance (SEGA) Rise of the Robots (SEGA) Mr. Nutz (SEGA) Exo-Squad (SEGA) Probotector (SEGA) Back to the Future 3 (SEGA) Samurai Shodown (SEGA) James Bond 007: The Duel (SEGA) Earthworm Jim 2 (SEGA) Splatterhouse 3 (SEGA) Duke Nukem 3D (SEGA) Capitain America & Avengers ... Warlock (SEGA) Cadash (SEGA) Judge Dredd: The Movie (SEGA) Mario Andretti Racing (SEGA) Blaster Master 2 (SEGA) Pirates of Dark Water (SEGA) ATP Tour Championship Tennis (SEGA) Ristar (SEGA) Super Battleship (SEGA) World of Illusions (SEGA) Dune: The Battle for Arrakis (SEGA) Hit The Ice (SEGA) Donald Duck in Maui Mallard (SEGA) Commandos (SEGA) Ariel The Little Mermaid (SEGA) B.O.B (SEGA) Golden Axe 2 (SEGA) Double Dragon (SEGA) Monster World 4 (SEGA) Chester Cheetah 2: Wild Wild Quest ... Death and Return of Superman (SEGA) X-Men (SEGA) Burning Force (SEGA) Squirrel King (SEGA) Granada (SEGA) Pink Goes to Hollywood (SEGA) LHX Attack Helicopter (SEGA) Kick Off 3: European Challenge ... Alien Storm (SEGA) Double Dragon 5: The Shadow Falls ... Asterix and the Power of the Gods ... Phantom 2040 (SEGA) Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf ... Boogerman: a Pick and Flick ... Pagemaster (SEGA) Joe and Mac Caveman Ninja (SEGA) Blades of Vengeance (SEGA) 1 2 3 4 5 6