Newman-Haas IndyCar Racing ... Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (SEGA) Road Rash 2 (SEGA) Superman (NES) Dig Dug (NES) NARC (NES) Double Dragon 2: The Revenge (NES) Bird Fighter (NES) Mappy (NES) Jackal (NES) Star Wars 2 (NES) Rock n Roll Racing (SEGA) Fantasia (SEGA) Bad Dudes (NES) Pirates (NES) Racing on boats (NES) Digghe Legend of the Lost City ... Dragon The Bruce Lee Story (SEGA) Track and Field (NES) Lost Vikings (SEGA) Chessmaster (NES) Hellfire (SEGA) Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and ... Akumajou Dracula: Vampire Killer ... Revenge of Shinobi (SEGA) Road Fighter (NES) Power Blade (NES) Magician (NES) Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey Bu (NES) Tekken 2 (NES) Golden Axe 3 (SEGA) Castle Quest (NES) Krustys Super Funhouse (SEGA) Yie Ar Kung-Fu (NES) Bubsy (SEGA) True Lies (SEGA) Hook (SEGA) Trog (NES) Pirates! Gold (SEGA) Castlevania (NES) F1 Racing (NES) Midnight Resistance (SEGA) Pocahontas (NES) Ninja Gaiden (NES) Nigel Mansell’s World ... Rise of the Robots (SEGA) Lunar Pool (NES) Mr. Nutz (SEGA) Exo-Squad (SEGA) Pole Chudes (NES) Probotector (SEGA) Flintstones: Surprise Dinosaur ... Back to the Future 3 (SEGA) The Legend of Kage (NES) Predator (NES) Double Dragonhe Rosetta Stone (NES) Samurai Shodown (SEGA) Pokemon Green (NES) Armadillo (NES) Wario’s Woods (NES) Adventures of Gilligan’s ... James Bond 007: The Duel (SEGA) Street Fighter 2010 (NES) Bram Stoker’s Dracula (NES) Capitain America & Avengers ... Earthworm Jim 2 (SEGA) Splatterhouse 3 (SEGA) Egypt (NES) Duke Nukem 3D (SEGA) Ice Hockey (NES) Rainbow Islands: The Story Bubble ... Warlock (SEGA) Cadash (SEGA) Popeye (NES) Judge Dredd: The Movie (SEGA) Spy vs Spy (NES) Blaster Master 2 (SEGA) Mario Andretti Racing (SEGA) Little Ninja Brothers (NES) Pirates of Dark Water (SEGA) Top Gun: The Second Mission (NES) Wild Gunman (NES) Сaveman ninja (NES) Ristar (SEGA) ATP Tour Championship Tennis (SEGA) Dick Tracy (NES) Captain America (NES) Jackie Chan’s Action Kung Fu ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17