Battletech (SEGA) Outlander (SEGA) Circus Charlie (NES) Barbie Super Model (SEGA) Robocop vs the Terminator (NES) Mickey’s Safari in ... Ninja Cat (NES) Nuts & Milk (NES) 1942 (NES) Tom and Jerry Frantic Antics (SEGA) Ninja Gaiden 2 (NES) F-22 Interceptor (SEGA) Toy Story (SEGA) Double Dragon 3 (SEGA) Chaos In The Desert Batman Returns (SEGA) Parkour To Treasure Silent Service (NES) Ninja Gaiden (SEGA) Comix Zone (SEGA) Batman Returns (NES) Mickey Mania: Timeless Adventures ... Jurassic Park (SEGA) Hyper Olympic (NES) Monster In My Pocket (NES) Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (NES) Hunt for Red October (NES) Batman: Return of the Joker (NES) Spiderman & Venom: Separation ... Pac-mania (NES) Iron Tank (NES) Alien 3 (NES) Rambo 3 (SEGA) Ghostbusters (SEGA) Cutthroat Island (SEGA) Who Framed Roger Rabbit (NES) Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril (NES) Hercules (SEGA) Legend of Zelda 2 Adventure of ... Donkey Kong Jr. Math (NES) Punisher (NES) Addams Family (NES) Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SEGA) Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (SEGA) Fantastic Dizzy (SEGA) Dragon Ball (NES) Mighty Final Fight (NES) Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck ... Mega Man: The Wily Wars (SEGA) Baby Boomer (NES) Mickey’s Adventures in ... Power Blade 2 (NES) Battleship (NES) Sky Destroyer (NES) Punisher (SEGA) Crystals Pony Tale (SEGA) Wrecking Crew (NES) Golden Axe (SEGA) Monster Truck Rally (NES) Barbie (NES) Double Dragon 2 (SEGA) Head-On Soccer (SEGA) Sunset Riders (SEGA) Super Donkey Koiang Jiao Chuan ... Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle ... Boulder Dash (NES) Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja ... Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (NES) Mickey Mouse: Dream Balloon (NES) Galaga (NES) EarthWorm Jim 3 (NES) Dick Tracy (SEGA) NBA Jam (SEGA) Battle Chess (NES) Snake Rattle n Roll (SEGA) Back To The Future II (NES) Tale Spin (SEGA) Tale Spin (NES) Terminator (NES) Dark Castle (SEGA) Flintstones: Rescue of Dino & ... Championship Lode Runner (NES) Incredible Hulk (SEGA) Re-Uknighted Sylvester & Tweety (SEGA) King of the Monsters (SEGA) Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters ... Scooby Doo Mystery (SEGA) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 236